Green Spirit Hydroponics

Green Spirit Hydroponics logo

Green Spirit ltd started in 2004 in the Castle Market in Sheffield. Our aim was, and still is to offer affordable Hydroponics equipment to the public and not scare them to death with tech talk. We understand that if you have never been involved with hydroponics that it might be a little daunting so we try to have has much equipment on display as possible, that way we can show you how it works - nothing looks easy when its still in a box on a shelf!!

Green Spirit Hydroponics of Sheffield offer a huge selection of indoor plant lighting, home hydroponics grow systems, hydro and organic horticultural supplies, grow light and other grow-room equipment & indoor gardening accessories.

Hydroponics and aeroponics has come a long way in the last few years. It is no longer a mystery or secret technique. It is a simple, reliable way of growing plants easier and more consistent by far than growing in soil.

Green Spirit Hydroponics is a full service source for organic and hydroponic gardeners. We offer an extensive and unique product range of hydroponics kit including the most advanced Aeroponic, Nutrients and Hydroponic systems in the world.

We also carry a wide variety of state of the art horticultural lighting systems. We have many models to choose from. Whether it’s Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium we’ve got the grow light to suit your requirements, and we guarantee a great price!



Shop Addresses:

Green Spirit Sheffield

230 Unit 5 Woodbourn Road
South Yorkshire

Phone: 0114 2753353

Green Spirit Barnsley

Unit 6 Rockingham Business Park
Rockingham Row
South Yorkshire
S70 5TW

Phone: 01226 399837

Opening Hours:

Due to COVID-19, please call to confirm opening hours before travelling.

Monday to Friday: 10am - 6pm
Wednesday: 10am - 7pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm

Monday to Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: CLOSED


