Skram & Skram Mist

SKRAM® (Concentrate) and SKRAM MIST® (Ready To Use) THE ULTIMATE PEST PREVENTION provides fast and long acting control of pest populations. Fits well with IPM, ICM and Biological Control Programmes. Improves harvested crop shelf life, has no residual activity, is safe for use on all edible crops and ornamental plants and degrades rapidly in the environment.

SKRAM® (Concentrate) and SKRAM MIST® (Ready To Use) is an antifeedant pest prevention and booster plant wash that increases nutrient bioavailability and plant growth rates, assists photosynthesis and sustains healthy-looking plants.

SKRAM® Available in 100ml (Concentrate makes up to 6 Litres - 12 bottles per case), 250ml (Concentrate makes up to 16 Litres - 12 bottles per case), 1 Litre (Concentrate makes up to 66 Litres - 6 bottles per case) and 5 Litres (Concentrate makes up to 333 Litres - 1 bottle per case).

More information on SKRAM®, can be found here.

SKRAM MIST® Available in 500ml (Ready to use spray - 12 bottles per case), 1 Litre (Ready to use spray - 12 bottles per case) and 5 Litres (Ready to use bottle - 1 bottle per case).

More information on SKRAM MIST®, can be found here.