Spread Coat Further Information


Why Flying Skull formulated the Spread Coat Wetting Agent to use alongside Nuke Em Advanced.

Plants and insects have something in common, they both shed water to stay dry. This shedding of water makes it difficult to get liquid pesticides to stick to insects. If the pesticide doesn’t come into full contact with the pest, the pest will be hard, if not impossible to treat.

While most pesticides have surfactant in their formula, sometimes it’s not enough. Spread Coat was formulated to answer the needs of those growers whose plants and pests have a waxier than normal coating. In some cases less pesticide was said to have been used to get the same results, simply because the pesticide was better able to make contact with the insects.

Spread Coat is a completely natural organic formula. It is listed by OMRI as an organic product.

Why should I add a wetting agent to Nuke Em Advanced?

It is important for you to look at the leaves carefully to make sure that the Nuke Em is completely covering the leaf surface. Some leaves have a waxy texture or a fine coating of dust from outdoor winds and they will shed the Nuke Em Advanced formula. This will prevent the leaf from getting 100% coverage. If it doesn’t look like Nuke Em is penetrating through dust and dirt or the leaf surface doesn’t get an even coat, add Spread Coat, Flying Skull’s wetting agent. Spread Coat does a great job of allowing Nuke Em Advanced to penetrate deep into nooks and crannies of plant material where pests hide.

Use the least amount of Spread Coat to get Nuke Em Advanced to penetrate the layers of dirt deposited on plants from outdoor winds and spread evenly over leaves and stems. You may have to increase the amount of Spread Coat shown below to get the coverage you need.

A strong strength Nuke Em recipe would look like this: 125ml Nuke Em Advanced, 3.5 litres water, 5-10ml Spread Coat.
An in-between strength Nuke Em recipe would look like this: 90ml Nuke Em Advanced, 3.5 litres water, 5-10ml Spread Coat.
A standard strength Nuke Em recipe would look like this: 60ml Nuke Em Advanced, 3.5 litres water, 5-10ml Spread Coat.

Can you use Nuke Em on walls and floors?

Insects, fungus and powdery mildew can be on everything in the garden, so it makes sense to use Nuke Em everywhere you have a problem.

Flying Skull have found that Nuke Em makes a great spray cleanser, and is even better if you add Spread Coat. Simply add 15-45ml of Nuke Em Advanced to a 1 litre spray bottle, fill with water to the litre mark and add 2.5ml Spread Coat.

For mopping floors, add 15ml of Nuke Em Advanced and 5-10ml of Spread Coat per 4 litres of water.

The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Spread Coat can be downloaded by clicking here.