Z7 Enzyme Cleanser Further Information


How does sludge and slime contribute to root rot?

It is important to keep tanks, pipes, drippers and sprayers from building up inanimate dirt and slime. Dirt and grime build up relatively slowly on roots, but as it builds up it starts to cut off air and nutrients to the root system. When we say inanimate slime hides in plain sight, we are referring to its ability to look harmless in hydroponic grow systems.

How do I use Z7 in an outdoor grow?

Z7 is just as effective in gardens and fields as in laboratories, hobby, or greenhouse applications. Add Z7 to your water and then add your teas, fertilisers or concoctions and mix well before feeding the plant. Normal dosage is 5ml of part 1 and part 2 for every 40 litres of water. If you make teas from organic solids, Z7 is an absolute must ingredient. Use 2.5ml of each Z7 part per 4 litres of tea.

I understand Z7 is used in Aquaponics. How much should I add?

Z7 has been tested on Koi, Goldfish, Trout, and many other fresh water fish without harming them in any way.

The general directions and applications are as follows:

There is no one size fits all in Aquaponics as far as Z7 dosage goes. It will take a keen eye to determine if surfaces are starting to clean up and fish becoming more active with fewer ailments.

Start by using Z7 at 1/2 strength. Use 1/4ml of each part per 4 litres of water (5ml of each part for every 75 litres of water) in the system. Z7 should be added every week until bio-film starts to form on surfaces. If bio-film build up is occurring try increasing the intervals of application rather than increasing the dosage (2.5ml or 7.5ml each part per 75 litres every 4 days). The dosage and interval of dosage will change as fish populations grow and the ability of plant life to rid the system of nitrates, phosphates, and other minerals also changes.

Always use the least amount needed to maintain the biological balance of the system. Conditions like slimy surfaces, murky water, sluggish fish, and build up in the filtration systems should clear up. Z7 will rejuvenate the bio filter and reduce its load.

The Aquaponics system manager will ultimately be responsible to determine the dosage and interval of dosage of Z7. Conditions of the system can change daily from the increased amount of ammonia and organic particulate into the system from fish waste and undigested fish food.

Apply Z7 in a sprayer or appropriate device to the top surface of the water in the holding tank. Apply it to the entire surface, don't just dump it in one spot. If it takes 250ml of each part of Z7 to treat the tank, add the 250mls to a litre of water and apply the diluted Z7 to the tank’s water surface.

Start by using Z7 at 1/2 strength. Use 1/4 ml of each part per gallon of water (5mls of each part for every 40 litres of water) in the system. Z7 should be added every three to four days. Conditions like; slimy surfaces, murky water, sluggish fish, and build up in the filtration systems should start to clear up. Z7 will rejuvenate the bio filter and reduce its load.

IMPORTANT: The water tank may show signs of clouding if the Aquaponics system was very dirty and out of biological balance. This water should be dumped as it has many toxins in it. It is not unusual to have to dump water tanks several times before the system comes back into biological balance.

IMPORTANT: Always use the least amount needed to get the job done. If you are seeing signs of the Aquaponics systems slowly getting results from lower dosages of Z7 be patient and let time do the job, not a higher dosage.

IMPORTANT: Adjust the dosage just enough to stabilise the system and keep it free of slime on filter and tank surfaces and keep the water clear. This will allow the Ammonia to be safely converted to nitrites. How much of Z7 should be used will depend on how many fish and their size as they grow. When the Aquaponics system has water running clear and there are no more slimy conditions on filter and surfaces, the fish should be active and their flesh firm with good oil production. At this point you will no longer see a bio­-film on the plant roots. You will see no more root rot and nutrient deficiencies on leaf, stem, and bloom. Once the Aquaponics system is biologically sound, and the amount and size of the fish are proportionate to the plant life and bio filtering, Z7 may only need to be added weekly at a low dose. This is the Fine Tuning of your biological system that will come from hands-on management.

Z7 keeps Aquaponic systems clean and at the same time cycles ammonia to nitrites and then to nitrates for both fish health and higher quality of plant produce.

To determine the size of a pond or tank use this measurement:

Square/Rectangle Pond:

Multiply the length times the width times the average depth. Then take that number and multiply it by 28.27. This will get you quite close to the number of litres of water in your pond.

Round Pond:

Multiply the top diameter by the bottom diameter. Multiply that number by the average depth. Then take that number and multiply it by 28.27. This will get you quite close to the number of litres of water in your pond.

How much Z7 do I need to use?

Soil: Make up some Z7 and pour it into every soil container you have. If the soil container is a 4 litre size pour 4 litres of Z7 treated water through it. Let that toxic runoff go away never to be seen again. Do not let it soak back up into the container. Use the Z7 whenever you use water, including adding Z7 to powered cloning buckets or cutting mediums. Check your runoff, make sure it matches the PPM/TDS (Parts Per Million/Total Dissolved Solids) of your water supply. Then you will know your growing medium is back to being non­toxic.

Hydroponics: Add Z7 to your tank. You might see the nutrient go cloudy at first but that should not be a problem. If it is excessive, Z7 is working overtime to prep your hydro system for optimum osmotic transfer to the roots. Dump the tank and refill.

Can I increase the strength of Z7

Yes and no. Each plant is different in its ability to withstand any type of additive. The dosage on the bottle is a middle of the road for all plants and will do no harm, only good.

Having said that, for extremely dirty hydroponics systems, extremely dirty and slimy roots, and excessive use of organics, some customers have increased the dose to 1.5 times the standard dose. If more control is needed to remove inanimate slime and other green nasty stuff, double strength could help clean things up or to help you get out of root rot issues. Then after a short time, change back to the recommended dose but watch for build-up. If you see slimy build-up coming back, push it back to 1.5 times the regular dose. Using the least amount is always the most desirable. Please do a side by side test before applying more than the standard dose to all of your plants.

How does Z7 work?

Z7 works by treating and conditioning filthy well, stream, irrigation, pond and chemical laden city water systems.

Microscopic particulate accumulates in and on the micro pores or permeable membranes of plant root systems. This stops the osmotic process from functioning properly. Simply stated, it plugs roots up and keeps them from performing their main tasks of bringing in oxygen, nutrients and water and releasing hydrogen. Z7 keeps roots in tip top shape, and safe from root rot and eliminates pockets of decomposing sludge that harbours Pythium and insects. Z7 doesn't do anything to the plant in any way, it simply cleanses the plant's root system so it can perform to its genetic ability.

For hydroponic systems and soil grown plants that are already have their roots contaminated, part 1 of Z7 chips away at sludge and slime. Part 2 of Z7 breaks down those chips so that it won’t allow the sludge and slime to reform into its original molecular structure. When you drain your nutrient tank you will notice that the old nutrient is cloudy with suspended particulate. This cloudy condition will continue until the inner workings of the hydroponic system and the plant's root systems have been fully cleansed. Clean roots will out-perform dirty roots. The secret is keeping microscopic particulate build-up away from the root cell, allowing the root cell to transfer food, water and oxygen to the plants vascular system on demand.

For hydroponic systems that are brand new or freshly cleaned, use Z7 at start up. Z7 will not allow sludge and slime to form in tubes, sprayers, tanks or roots. Not only will it keep the sprayers and tubes from clogging, but you will no longer have to break down your hydroponic system for inside cleansing. Root systems will always be free of inanimate slime and therefore, able to bring in oxygen, nutrients and water on demand.

Can Z7 hurt my plants?

No! As long as you use Z7 per the label directions your plants will love it and thank you for it. Do not increase the strength unless you are sure that a test plant can tolerate a higher dose. Z7 is extremely concentrated. Z7 needs to be in your system at all times to protect the system from sludge and slime.

Is Z7 better than Hydrogen Peroxide?

Yes! Z7 does a better job.

Hydrogen Peroxide will increase the oxygen levels in the water but the negative results to get that higher oxygen level is too much for plants. The amount of H2O2 needed to get higher oxygen levels hurt the plants roots by scarring the microscopic pores that allow osmosis to take place.

Hydrogen Peroxide is a good sanitizer for cleaning pipes, pot and etc. between harvests. Having said that, high nutrient temperatures may require the use of Chlorine in small amounts as Z7 relies totally on Mother Nature for root and system protection. Follow the directions from manufactures prescribing dosage. Z7will work with Chlorine products and in most cases you can reduce the amount of Chlorine and still get the benefits from Z7. Growers may see a benefit by combining Z7 with Chlorine when temps exceed 24 degrees Celsius.

Trying to kill bacteria and Pythium with Hydrogen Peroxide is next to impossible without hurting the plants. The pest always come back and the application creates a vicious cycle of application, over and over with the plants taking a beating. Hydrogen Peroxide is a very dangerous chemical to handle so be careful. It can burn hands and lungs.

Bad water and toxic chemical interactions in the root zone are known to be responsible for plants showing signs of insect attack, low oxygen, leaf curl, tip burn, yellow leaf, purple stem, Interveinal chlorosis, Interveinal necrosis, toxic shock and under developed fruit.

The knee jerk reaction to seeing deficiencies on leaves is to add more of the minerals the leaf says it's missing. 95% of the time you will be adding to the problem and making it much worse by adding those minerals. Insect attack is also a sign of a toxic or particulate coated root zone. Always use Z7 and always make sure the root zone is not building up with minerals.

When you see signs of deficiencies on leaves, flush the plants roots zone with Z7. Use three times the Z7 treated water as the pot holds.

The mineral content in the root zone should never exceed the concentration of the plant food you are putting into it! Check your runoff when you are feeding to see if the EC (Electrical Conductivity) or PPM (Parts Per Million) of what’s running out of the pot is the same as the EC/PPM of the plant food you mixed up. You will note that the EC/PPM of the plant food is higher with the first stream of water coming from the pot. You need to keep pouring until the runoff is the same as you put in or less if in a watering application. No exceptions to the rule. Every minute those roots have an EC too high to support OSMOSIS you lose out in produce quality, quantity and harvest scheduling.

Do I still use hydrogen peroxide if I use Z7?

No! Hydrogen Peroxide works in direct conflict with Z7 and will stop Z7 from doing its job. Z7 is a much better product and works in harmony with your plants and hydro system. Hydrogen Peroxide works against your plants and hydro system. Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine, Colloidal Silver and other Cleaners and root whiteners work by killing living things through the sterilisation process. Sterilisation literally means ‘to stop life or will not support life’. In all cases, the use of Hydrogen Peroxide contributes to the sludge and slime problem when added to the growing media or water while the plants are growing. Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine, Colloidal Silver and other sanitising products do far more harm than good.

Side by side tests consistently show Z7 outperforming any oxidizing chemicals or sterilising agents/minerals when nutrient temps are 10-24 degrees. Having said that, high nutrient temperatures may require the use of Chlorine in small amounts. Follow the directions from manufactures prescribing dosage. Z7will work with Chlorine products and in most cases you can reduce the amount of Chlorine and still get the benefits from Z7.

Hydrogen Peroxide can damage root systems by chemically burning the cells responsible for the transfer of water, nutrients and oxygen through the osmosis process. This causes the plant to slough off those damaged cells and they become part of sludge and slime problem. Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine and Colloidal Silver also upset the pH balance of nutrient solutions. Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorine oxidize not only organic compounds suspended in the nutrient but also negatively reacts with soluble elemental minerals, the very plant food your plants feed on.

What is the most important thing Z7 does for Hydroponic growers?

Z7 doesn’t let inanimate slime accumulate on roots of soil or hydro hardware surfaces. Why is that important? Sludge and slime will deny the roots water, oxygen and nutrients.

Z7 will reduce the ability of minerals to adhere to growing media, allowing them to be flushed away without fear of toxic build-up. This will keep the leaves from showing signs of deficiency when the soil has plenty of the proper minerals in it

Mycorrhizae, a popular additive to both soil and hydro systems, needs to have quality roots to attach to. Most of the Mycorrhizae placed into hydro system will not show the results expected because they need viable roots to attach to.

Will Z7 raise the PPM of my nutrient?

No! Since Z7 is not a plant food or plant food enhancing product it carries no significant electrical conductivity (EC). However, very slight increases of EC/PPM may be experienced as the sludge and slime gives up its encapsulated and contaminated plant food for disposal at tank change. Flying Skull have seen no more than a 25ppm increase that could have been attributed to the addition of Z7 during the cleansing process. Anything more than 25ppm increase in nutrient EC would be a rare occurrence of extreme sludge and slime build-up. There have been no adverse effects from the cleansing of hydroponic systems no matter how badly neglected they were.

After using Z7 my nutrient was cloudy then went clear. Is that normal?

Yes! As the sludge and inanimate slime is being cleansed from the hydroponic system and the plant roots within it, the nutrient will go cloudy. The cloudiness is the sludge, slime and insoluble nutrients that were clinging to the plastic. In some cases, when hydro systems are very dirty, the grower might see small clumps of goo, an oily film floating on the nutrient surface or silt like powder on the bottom of the tank. The plants will experience no ill effects from this because the sludge, slime and insoluble minerals are being held in suspension. The cloudy nutrient should be dumped when you change your tank and replace the old nutrient with new. Some growers dump the tanks when they see this just as a precaution. As you noticed, the nutrient will eventually run clear when the sludge and slime has been removed from the system. Once the nutrient runs clear you will know that Z7 is in its protection or barrier mode keeping sludge and inanimate slime from forming again. Use Z7 every day the hydro system is in service.

My cloning machine only takes 10 litres of water. How much Z7 do I use?

You would use 2.5ml of part 1 and 2.5ml part 2 for each 10 litres of water.

Below are some more examples of dilution rates for cloning machines:

  • 1.25ml part 1 and part 2 for every 5 litres of nutrient.
  • 2.5ml part 1 and part 2 for every 10 litres of nutrient.
  • 5ml part 1 and part 2 for every 20 litres of nutrient.
  • 7.5ml part 1 and part 2 for every 30 litres of nutrient.
  • 10ml part 1 and part 2 for every 40 litres of nutrient.

International drops: 12 drops of each part for every 4 litres of water.

Other information

For more information on how Z7 works in commercial greenhouses, please take a look at this page on the Flying Skull website: https://www.flyingskull.net/Greenhouse-Uses-Z7.html

For images of Z7 at work, please take a look at this page on the Flying Skull website: https://www.flyingskull.net/Z7-At-Work.html

The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Z7 can be downloaded by clicking here.